Request for Proposals, Melrose School Artist-In-Residence
The Jamestown Arts Center is seeking an Artist-In-Residence (A.I.R) to create a site specific, temporary installation during a two-week residency in collaboration with the students of the Melrose School in Jamestown, Rhode Island as part of its inaugural Outdoor Arts Experience in 2020.
The Outdoor Arts Experience (OAE) is planned as a celebration of the Jamestown Arts Center’s 10th Anniversary. In partnership with other organizations, the OAE will place at least ten works at varied and diverse sites around Jamestown. In keeping with our Anniversary, we are seeking celebratory works suitable for public display in community and family-friendly locations, including the Melrose School campus (please see the OAE location #15 to view specific location). Artists proposing in the A.I.R category should propose a project to be created in collaboration with Melrose School students and subsequently installed on the school grounds temporarily for the 2020 season.
The selected A.I.R. will receive a $2,500 honorarium, plus a stipend for materials and supplies, TBD. Installation will be facilitated by the JAC and the Schools facilities department. Additionally, the work created by the A.I.R. will be eligible for the OAE’s People’s Choice Award. A-I-R program is contingent on funding.
Theme: Celebrate Community Through Art
The theme of the exhibition is celebratory; community; arts; anniversary. While we are interested in all types of art, artists should consider how their artwork relates to or celebrates the history, environment, culture and/or current community of Jamestown.
Entries will be evaluated by a selection panel to include curators, local artists & community members. Selection criteria will include, but not be limited to: Artistic excellence; Educational quality; safety; suitability for public display; responsiveness to theme; compatibility with site available; durability and maintenance. The selection panel will recommend works to the OAE committee, who will make the final determination after reviewing safety & logistics in consultation with the Jamestown School Department and the Melrose School, and viability of completion with the Melrose School art teacher.
Community-based, educational programming is a requirement of all artists selected by the OAE, with the Artist in Residence exemplifying this educational outreach component. Application should provide details on how the proposed project will incorporate the Melrose School students, arts classes and the arts teacher.
A.I.R. will receive a $2,500 honorarium on completion and installation of project. Artwork will be on view to the public for four months and have identifying signage for the course of the exhibition. The Jamestown Arts Center will carry liability insurance for the course of the exhibition. The JAC will publicize the exhibition through its website, walking map/brochure, social media, direct mail to its membership, and local print advertising. The JAC will provide photography of the work as installed. Artists will have the opportunity to give presentations, talks, and interact with the viewing public.
September 1, 2019 Applications open through
October 31, 2019 Application Deadline
January 15, 2020 Notification of Consideration
March 1, 2020 All logistics confirmed with JAC and Jamestown Public Schools. Contract signed.
Flexible, TBD First week of residency: Artwork inception with students and beginning of fabrication
Flexible, TBD Second week of residency: Completion of artwork and installation
May 2020 Annual student art show at Melrose School
July 10, 2020 OAE Exhibition Opening in conjunction with 10th Anniversary Summer Soiree at the Jamestown Arts Center
August 2020, TBD OAE Community Block Party celebration
October 31, 2020 Last day of work on display
November 2020 Removal period
Once selected, artist will coordinate proposal with the Melrose School arts teacher to create a classroom schedule for the residency. Selected artists will work primarily within the arts classroom at the Melrose School but may have use of the space at the Jamestown Arts Center if needed.
A current, national BCI background check must be provided by the artist.
Artist will coordinate installation and removal of artwork with Jamestown Public Schools facilities staff. Work must be removed in a timely fashion within scheduled dates.
Works must be suitable for outdoor installation and built in a durable, stable fashion. Works must be capable of withstanding adverse weather conditions including but not limited to high winds, rain, high temperatures, freezing.
Artist is responsible for stability of artwork. Artist will detail provisions for stability in application. Provisions and installation plans of selected artworks will be vetted in advance.
Artwork will be installed in close proximity to school activities and viewing public and must not pose hazards. Artist will specify if work is non-climbable, or intentionally functional. Fragile, dangerous or inappropriate work will not be considered. Artist agrees to affect any repairs in a timely fashion during exhibition if such situation arises.
Artist will complete project and install on a date to be agreed upon with JAC. JAC and Schools Department will provide installation assistance including equipment as agreed upon in advance and hands-on assistance, however artists will oversee, participate in, and insure completion of the installation/removal process and should bring tools and appropriate hardware as required. JAC staff, contract labor and volunteers shall not be held responsible for loss or damage to the artwork during installation or removal.
Upon completion the artwork will be reviewed by JAC staff and the Jamestown School Department. If work is deemed structurally unsound or misrepresented, acceptance may be revoked. JAC retains final decision and approval of installation.
Artist will share copyright of the artwork with the Jamestown Public Schools and the artist will be credited whenever the artwork is exhibited or published. JAC and Jamestown Public Schools may use images of the artist and artwork in promotional or educational materials.
If selected artist lives further than 50 miles from Jamestown, the JAC may be able to arrange temporary housing for the residency period; however artist is responsible for all meals and transportation expenses.
Application to be found at link TBD. In summary, application will request artist’s contact information, Bio or CV, agreement to obtain national BCI, samples of artist’s previous work, description of proposed project and how it will incorporate Melrose School students, and plans including installation/removal requirements, materials necessary and provisions for stability. Artists are encouraged to contact the OAE Project Manager Molly Dickinson with questions in advance of application. Artists are strongly encouraged to visit Melrose School site(s) prior to application submission. Please address all questions to Molly Dickinson, OAE Project Manager. or 401-560-0979.